Dr. King, in his last years, was more radical than everyone around him. He dragged the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) to campaign in Chicago, where his lieutenants did not want to go. He got pelted with rocks in Chicago and admonished his staff that white Americans had never intended to integrate their schools and […]

He has a secret that he’s not sure he wants me to share with you all, but I just can’t keep it in anymore, so I have to whisper it here, into this hole of a blogpost. He collects wall-texts. Well, that’s not exactly right, he steals them, and by ‘them’, the moniker ‘wall-text’ seems […]

Nanabush’s trip stories the landscape with relational knowledges. When Nishnaabeg see a birch tree, we recognize a library of stories involving birch. When we see a lady’s slipper, or moss on rocks, or cranberries, or maple trees, or a woodpecker, or beaver, more libraries. Nanabush’s character is a reflection of Nishnaabewin and of Nishnaabeg themselves, […]

It is Saturday after a long week of long posts, so this is going to be short (and tomorrow even shorter). Just as yesterday was written for your ears, as he asked you to listen (not to me or him, but to a conversation as a way of knowing, making and remembering), today is a […]