Forough Farrokhzad (1935–1967) House is Black (1963)
Bouchra Khalili The Tempest Society (2017)
Bodily Erasure: Alienation, Disease, Recovery
Watch: Forough Farrokhzad House is Black
Reading: Elsa Dorlin ‘To Be Beside of Oneself: Fanon and the Phenomenology of Our Own Violence’
Optional Reading: Alphabet Collection ‘It Is Only Sound That Remains: Reconstructing Forough Farrokhzad’s The House Is Black’
Sounds of walking
Ylva Bentancor World Disorder (2017)
Caroline Bergvall OH MY OH MY (Pinktrombone, 21 January 2017)
Christina Kubisch Electrical Walk Athens (2017)
Aneducation & Chorus Walks
Aneducation Chorus Walks Overview
- Clip of Odeion Chorus Walk with Denise Araouzou
- Ganesh Haloi Selected Paintings & Sculptures (2009-16)
- Hiwa K Pre-Image (Blind as the Mother Tongue) (2017)
Walking as Embodied Practice
Dimitris Pikionis (1887–1968) Paths and landscaping at the Acropolis and Filopappou (1954–57)
Walking and Mapping
Ross Birrell The Athens-Kassel Ride: Transit of Hermes (2017)
Nikhil Chopra Drawing a Line through Landscape (2017)
Moyra Davey ‘Walking with Nandita’
Walking as (Resistance to) Erasure
Maria Kourkouta & Niki Giannari’s The Specters are Haunting Europe (2016)
Regina José Galindo Presencia (Presence, 2017)
Irena Haiduk Spinal Discipline (2016– )
Walking, Writing, Drawing
David Harding Desire Lines (2017)
Lois Weinberger Ruderal Society: Excavating a Garden (2017)
Embodied Practices
Optional Reading: Brief entries on Gossip, Intimacy, Library, Nourishing Knowledge, Unpacking Burckhardt, Visual Sounds, Voices (from ‘Aneducation for Erasure’ PDF)
Narratives of Erasure
Reading: Paul B. Preciado ‘My Body Does Not Exist’; Sylvère Lotringer ‘Étant Donné’; Emilie Rākete ‘In Human: Parasites, Posthumanism and Papatūānuku’
How do we memorialize an event that is still ongoing? – Christina Sharpe In the Wake: On Blackness and Being (2016)
Olu Oguibe Das Fremdlinge und Flüchtlinge Monument (Monument for strangers and refugees, 2017)

Sanja Iveković Monument to Revolution (2017)

Marta Minujín The Parthenon of Books (2017)

Agnes Denes Living Pyramid 2017

Vadim Sidur Der Gefesselte (Monument to the Victims of Violence) (1974)

Oskar Hansen Design for the Monument to the Victims of Fascism in Auschwitz-Birkenau (1957)

Tony Tasset Judy’s Hand Pavilion (2018)

Michael Rakowitz A Color Removed (2018)

Ahmad Fuad Osman Enrique de Malacca Memorial Project (2016–ongoing) (2019)

Nicholas Galanin Shadow on the Land, an excavation and bush burial (2020)