Do you remember gathering at the Tiki-Room to talk about time and lawlessness?
Do you remember gathering at the Tiki-Room to talk about time and lawlessness?
Afterall Journal 43 Contents Foreword– Charles Stankievech Contextual Essays Dedicated to the Anishnawbekwe– Lee Maracle Coloniality is Far from Over, and So Must Be Decoloniality– Walter D. Mignolo Fish, Kin and Hope: Tending to Water Violations in amiskwaciwâskahikan and Treaty Six Territory– Zoe Todd Ethno-Futurism: Leaning on the Past, Working for the Future– Anders Kreuger Artists Lubaina Himid […]
Today is the last day of documenta 14 and rather than retracing my steps over what happened between Athens and Kassel since April, instead I want to look to the future, specifically to an ongoing project that I first encountered in the Athens School of Fine Arts (ASFA) and then again in an exhibition organized […]