Tune to 51:45 to hear these words for yourself and the whole episode via Ginger Dunnill’s Broken Boxes Podcast
Tune to 51:45 to hear these words for yourself and the whole episode via Ginger Dunnill’s Broken Boxes Podcast
Do you remember gathering at the Tiki-Room to talk about time and lawlessness?
Hey you, yes you, in your BBQ/BEER/FREEDOM shirt, with your mask under your mouth, screaming at the world from my Twitter feed, I have created you to object to whatever is happening here at an unfinished exhibition. If everything turns out well (Hope is the Rarest Bird). Still if everything does turn out well, if […]
…a collective choreography of banal movements…[1] …even protesting a museum exhibition is still a form of participation…[2] …not even if I had ten tongues and ten mouths…[3] …a Roman would always think we…[4] …Judith beheading Holoferenes: make art history scream…[5] …at the Old Library Wex’s book starts to come alive…[6] [1] Hey you, yes you, […]
On page 29 of No Philosopher King: An Everyday Guide to Art and Life under Trump (which you can order now from Amazon, Barnes & Noble or the Wexner Center Store), at the beginning of Chapter 2 (‘Mourning Diary’), you can read: [w]e knew that we had something very concrete and specific that we could […]
On page 106 of No Philosopher King: An Everyday Guide to Art and Life under Trump (which you can order now from Amazon or Barnes & Noble), at the beginning of Chapter 5 (‘Media/Medea/Medya’), you can read: [c]onsider the book you are now holding. If this is a blog to book situation, how did the […]