Dear Wexner Center for the Arts Film/Video Department, I am writing this post for the gallery B side as an open letter to you in request that you show Wu Tsang’ 2012 short film For how we perceived a life (Take 3) as part of your online programming. Back in Fall 2013, during the visiting […]

In the museum or the university, the story remains the same. On the one hand, an institution’s strong physique is measured in outsized philanthropy and thick endowments, as administrators make public-facing boasts of rich collections and academic excellence. On the other hand, internal messaging is one of dispossession and precarity, from cuts and layoffs to […]

The day after Memorial Day, twelve years ago tomorrow in 2008, the then Wexner Center educator Amanda Potter (now Curator of Education and Interpretation at the Zimmerli Art Museum) delivered a talk on Jane Hammond’s gallery B installation Fallen. At the talk, Potter spoke of how Hammond’s nationally touring installation featuring a large field of […]