Sikh massacres, Baba Kharak Singh Road, Connaught Place, New Delhi, November 1, 1984
I can’t get this image (of a 17 year-old Linda Goode Bryant finding a newly published copy of Frantz Fanon’s “Black Skin, White Masks” during a school trip to New York in April 1967 & ending a letter to her parents back in Columbus, Ohio by writing that if she were to just eat one […]
Dear Wexner Center for the Arts Film/Video Department, I am writing this post for the gallery B side as an open letter to you in request that you show Wu Tsang’ 2012 short film For how we perceived a life (Take 3) as part of your online programming. Back in Fall 2013, during the visiting […]
We enter the house of Valia Kozintsev, the widow of Grigori Kozintsev. He was a member of the film school FEKS. “Look at this photo on Grigori’s desk. It is of Meyerhold. It has never been moved since Meyerhold’s arrest.
Even now, in the memory, she dazzles, must be circled about and about. We may perceive her indirectly, in her effects on others … Ah, the dead, the unended, endlessly ending dead: how long, how rich is their story. We, the living, must find what space we can alongside them; the giant dead whom we […]
People returning from a ceremony in Kosova in which many feuding families publicly forgave the murderers of their relatives. This was one of the reconciliation meetings aimed at bringing the tradition of revenge killings to an end.
Tree Mountain – A Living Time Capsule was conceived as the first planted forest to be maintained for four centuries, the time necessary for the ecosystem to rebuild itself. One of the world’s most important reclamation sites and future plans for the environment, it was commissioned by the Finnish government on World Environment Day, June […]
In the museum or the university, the story remains the same. On the one hand, an institution’s strong physique is measured in outsized philanthropy and thick endowments, as administrators make public-facing boasts of rich collections and academic excellence. On the other hand, internal messaging is one of dispossession and precarity, from cuts and layoffs to […]
The day after Memorial Day, twelve years ago tomorrow in 2008, the then Wexner Center educator Amanda Potter (now Curator of Education and Interpretation at the Zimmerli Art Museum) delivered a talk on Jane Hammond’s gallery B installation Fallen. At the talk, Potter spoke of how Hammond’s nationally touring installation featuring a large field of […]
Reflecting on the Past in the Room of Imagination In this picture (sic) I took in the late 1990s, my father and my nieces are playing a game with string. Around twenty years ago, our country was struggling with social challenges due to the transition to a totally new political, economic, and social system. But […]