Tag Archives: Empty Daybook

If you missed the secret. Go back to yesterday’s post. Today is the beginning of the fallout; the aftermath of the Minus Plato project. The reason that he has invited me – a library’s ghost – to speak over these past months on a daily basis is to demonstrate through the sifting, sorting, packing up, […]

Where were we? Where is this is all leading? Our Library of the Future: A Ghost’s Story has been the replacement of some books with others, a library with another library, by a scholar to come who listens to ghosts. And, now, the secret at the heart of this project and of all that is […]

In a piece she titled Anima, or Soul, which she executed in Oaxaca in 1976, she appropriated the Mexican tradition of fireworks displays by having a bamboo armature made in the shape of her own body, attaching small fireworks to it, and setting them ablaze (pl. 18). As is common in her other works, this […]