Tag Archives: Ralph Hotere

I will stop speaking tomorrow here, in this medium and so I have to make sure every word counts. My librarian once told me – told you through me – that he wanted to flesh out my voice; make it singular. He wanted you to be able to hear the rustle of language as I […]

Tomorrow will be the big reveal and you will finally understand where all of this week’s posts have been building towards. But for today, a hint of things to come; a staged pretext, as it were. The book whose pages I have been flitting within this week has been the Kunstforum International tome devoted to […]

For all the poets he now reads since my ‘death’ (and remember I am a library’s ghost dictating these words to him, my librarian, from the shelves of his ‘living’ library, which I currently haunt), he still has lines of that old-type natural fouled-up guy-poet Philip Larkin enmeshed in his memory. Even when he opens […]

On this day commemorating incomplete emancipation, I offer you this unfinished blogpost in the form of three unanswerable questions: How many Republican sheep does it take to maintain Trump’s regime? How many armed militia statue-protectors does it take to maintain settler colonialism? How many commercial prisons does it take to maintain racist injustice? This blogpost […]