The Drowned World, Toronto Biennial of Art, 2019. Guest curated by Charles Stankievech. During the Biennial, the Cinesphere becomes a world within a world, merging film and sound art with scent and changing atmospheric conditions.
This poem was originally published in Lee Maracle, Bent Box, Penticton, BC: Theytus Books, 2000, pp.127–28. It is reproduced by kind permission of the author.
Plastiglomerate sample/ready-made, collected by Patricia Corcoran and sculptor Kelly Jazvac at Kamilo Beach, Hawaii, 2013. Photograph: Jeff Elstone. Courtesy Kelly Jazvac
Lubaina Himid, Freedom and Change, 1984, acrylic on ply, fabric and mixed media, 290 × 590cm, detail. Courtesy Hollybush Gardens, London and the artist
View of Fernando Palma’s and Nuria Montiel’s workshop Caminata por nuestro maíz (Walking Through Our Corn), from Xico to Teuhtli, Estado de México, 2015. Courtesy the Museo Comunitario del Valle de Xico and Fernando Palma and Nuria Montiel
Andreas Angelidakis, DEMOS, 2016, dimensions variable. Installation view, ‘The Parliament of Bodies’, documenta 14, Athens Muncipality Arts Centre, Parko Eleftherias. Photograph: Stathis Mamalakis. Courtesy documenta
Rebecca Belmore, Ayum-ee-aawach Oomama-mowan: Speaking to their Mother, 1991. Banff, Alberta, megaphone, sound, animal hides and leather. Courtesy the artist