On arriving in Bilbao last night I was excited to discover the collection of books that I left in Rebeka’s mother’s apartment, bought during our year sabbatical in Madrid (2014-15). Knowing that I would buy more books than I could fit in my suitcase, I not only left these books here on our way back […]
Category Archives: Seneca
It just so happens that I had been teaching Seneca’s Consolation To Helvia immediately before encountering the following text as part of one of Youmna Chlala’s light-box works on display at the new group exhibition Action at a Distance at the Angela Meleca Gallery here in Columbus. Everyone reminds you that exile is a group […]
SapphoMartialPublilius SyrusAristotleEuripides[EuripidesThe Trojan Women]Seneca’s Thyestes DiogenesVirgilAeneid Benjamin Jowett[Ovid Amores 1. 8. 40?]Plutarch re CaesarSophoclesAristotle (again)SimonidesSpartansSlain atPlateaLucretius wroteBeing Euripides (again)Being Seneca (again?)[Horace Odes 4. 7 16] Quoth HoraceOdysseus once says Asks someone in Aristophanes