Tag Archives: Roee Rosen

In my book Vladimir’s Night, the artist Maxim Komar-Myshkin writes a history of Russia as a series of jokes. In the joke “1936 – Persecutions by Stalin,” a Jewish doctor sentenced to death prays for a miracle – and his prayer is answered: “At that very instant an elephant with two trunks was born in […]

When I take students to Rome, I try to get them to to visualize the immense scale of what the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus must have looked like on the Capitoline Hill by asking them to imagine a ‘Pantheon in the sky’. According to our typical itinerary, we would have seen the Pantheon the […]

You often found yourself in the little library at the Odeion, idly browsing. You saw this cryptic wall-text (amid the sea of floor-text) besides one of Pope L.’s whispers, and took this photograph meaning to decipher it later. You had no idea it was part of Roee Rosen’s The Death of Cattelan, which had been […]