– Postcommodity

He is all out of joint with himself today, his world has been shaken, so I can’t have him type too much here (he may explode!). Nostalgic, time-travelling tales take their toll on his fragile, settler mind, especially when it comes to the bog of this blog (hey, Indigo, look, a fossil!)
I only have few words for him. I want him to learn to remember to keep taking Narcissus by surprise (after the subtitled words of Hiwa K) by always going with the flow of the river that Gordon Bennett describes in so many words in his ‘The Manifest Toe’ (contained within the pages of the book Gordon Bennett: Be Polite, Berlin and Brisbane: Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane and Sternberg Press, 2016, which also includes a brief, but epic essay by Julie Nagam (‘be polite…because the settlers might be listening and watching’). In other words, let today’s post lead you – like the words in a post 100 posts past and 100 posts from now – and not the other way around.