Tag Archives: Under the Mango Tree

My favourite symbol is the Tree of Life. The human race is the trunk and branches of this tree and individual humans are the leaves, which appear for one season, flourish for a summer and then die. I am like a leaf of this tree, and one day I shall decay and fall, and become […]

Holiness is what is dear to the gods. Who said that? I dunno but it’s not helpful. Never mind, ignore it. Let’s check-in instead. So, how are you coping? Healthy and sane? My starting position (forced on each of us, black reader and white writer, by this writing and our society) were the sites of […]

As promised in Wednesday’s post, here is the first part of the Black Athena Reloaded session from the documenta 14 public program The Parliament of Bodies: While the second session focused on the brutal slavery document, Le code noir, this first discussion engages the theme of ‘Ideas as Migrants – Our Common Ghosts’, and is […]