Walking around Washington Square Park, I sometimes think I see Ana [Mendieta] running, circling the park as she used to. We would wave to one another and continue on our individual routines. – April 1992
Walking around Washington Square Park, I sometimes think I see Ana [Mendieta] running, circling the park as she used to. We would wave to one another and continue on our individual routines. – April 1992
We have only allocated an hour to write this post, so we don’t have time to discuss that infamous memo (we mean here the Nunes memo, not Trump himself) Given this time-crunch we’re merely going to see how the posts from our allocated two week period from last year (Jan. 23-Feb 5) fit into the […]
Today, as hundreds of thousands participate in the Women’s March on Washington and around the world, protesting against the misogyny and bigotry ushered in by yesterday’s inauguration of a misogynist bigot, I am reminded of Nancy Spero’s powerful work that unites modern women with women from ancient cultures (e.g. Egypt, Near-East, Greece). While Spero’s work […]