Minus Plato: I am currently in Madrid & I was excited to learn of your radio project Singing is what makes work possible (Syllabus) at the Museo Reina Sofía (I am especially intrigued by the ‘syllabus’ you created!). May I ask, Hong-Kai, is there any connection between your documenta 14 commission for their pubic radio Every Time A Ear Di Soun project Southern Clairaudience–Some Sound Documents for a Future Act & this more recent work? (I am particularly interested in ongoing resonances of d14 work in the present).
Hong-Kai Wang: For me, there is definitely a connection. Perhaps this short text by Miki Kaneda could help articulate it (better than I do)?
Bill Dietz: As to the “syllabus” question – it was a word we were a bit on the fence about, as Hong-Kai & I are interested in keeping the relationship between aesthetic experience and pedagogics in flux – thus the etymological explanation of the word on the Reina Sofia website. For us, the “homework” aspect of the syllabus was attractive because it suggests or insists on the work of our work extending into domestic and private space. That to take the decolonial challenge of the work seriously means altering daily life, not just art experience. The scores on the RS site are also offered in that spirit.