What did you make of Lala Rukh’s beats, her ‘indexing sonic ruptures and melodic sequences as a graphic sensibility? (As Natasha Ginwala puts it in the documenta 14 Daybook). Maybe you encountered them alone or with others, taking them in separately or together, like some kind of chorus, either way, when you left the space of dimly lit Rupak drawings, the punching sound of the animation of the same name and the alcoves of Hieroglyphics, did you look back at those two drawings visible through that little window? Did this pair make you think of Aristophanes’ myth in Plato’s Symposium? Or (even better) Felix Gonzalez-Torres’ Perfect Lovers? Do you like the idea of these references stretching to your own photograph, with its couple of glaring lights? Does Ginwala’s Daybook entry on Rukh beginning as it does by quoting Nabokov on ‘the gray gap between black beats: the Tender Interval’, make you think of heartbeats? Or mere punctuation? We’ll see.