MBA’ASY PYTUHE JOKO TEKO JO’AVY (COVID-19 and its consequences for our community), 2021, by Ke´y Rusú Katupyry & Verá Poty Resakã (Guarani-Nhandewá), Jaguapiru Reservation, Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Included in the Potu faitautusi project.

Ke´y Rusú Katupyry and Verá Poty Resakã, MBA’ASY PYTUHE JOKO TEKO JO’AVY (COVID-19 and its consequences for our community), 2021, working English translation read by members of the Ohio State University K’acha Willaykuna: Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Arts and Humanities Collaboration, during “Our Distance Unlearning Hour”, Oct. 22nd, 2021.

In collaboration with Potu faitautusi at Columbus Printed Arts Center, K’acha Willaykuna commissioned a report by Ke´y Rusú Katupyry and Verá Poty Resakã, from the Jaguapiru Reservation, Dourados in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil, on the impact of COVID-19 on their community called MBA’ASY PYTUHE JOKO TEKO JO’AVY (COVID-19 and its consequences for our community), 2021, in Guarani, Portuguese and translated into English by Dr. Isis Barra Costa, assistant professor in the OSU Department of Spanish & Portuguese. This project is a continuation of OIKOVYTERI ITEKO’A MÔINGUEVYA (Decolonization continues), 2020, a newspaper edited by Katupyry and Resakã in collaboration with artist Maria Thereza Alves, co-published by the Instituto Guarani-Nhandewá de Estudios da Historia do Brasil, Casa da Maria (Maria’s House) and the Sydney Biennale. 

The newspaper is available for free at Columbus Printed Arts Center.

Video of full session with introduction and discussion of the project.