Tag Archives: sarah goetz

Did you take this map with you when you left the cats and went to visit the Acropolis? Were you tempted to draw these diagrams in the dirt alongside the ordered remains of the ancient temple? Did you perhaps glance across from the Parthenon and its stolen marbles to the Erechtheion, lamenting the missing sister […]

When you made the video from which this still is taken, did you consider pausing at the word ‘DO’? As the next word of David Harding’s work at Rizari Park, taken from a Samuel Beckett poem, was ‘NOT’, could you have played Socrates, stopping in his tracks as he listened to his daimonion? Then through […]

You often found yourself in the little library at the Odeion, idly browsing. You saw this cryptic wall-text (amid the sea of floor-text) besides one of Pope L.’s whispers, and took this photograph meaning to decipher it later. You had no idea it was part of Roee Rosen’s The Death of Cattelan, which had been […]

What did you make of Lala Rukh’s beats, her ‘indexing sonic ruptures and melodic sequences as a graphic sensibility? (As Natasha Ginwala puts it in the documenta 14 Daybook). Maybe you encountered them alone or with others, taking them in separately or together, like some kind of chorus, either way, when you left the space of […]

You had forgotten, only remembering later, being told that the installation by the nomadic collective Ciudad Abierta (Open City), with its texts, images, numbered lists and diagrams, would be something that you’d like. You had also forgotten that you were told that, as a Classicist, you would be better placed to understand this work, since […]